Thursday, November 26, 2009

Semantic Enrichment of Memory Archives: Case Study on

Today I presented the first case study of the LiveMemories project: a joint work with SoNet, Opera Universitaria, Portobeseno, Cooperativa Mercurio, and Studiare a Trento.

In summary, the goal of the case study was to assess which web platforms people in Trentino would use for sharing memories, and how; and to collect memories from the local community and suggest how LiveMemories techniques can enrich them.

Our main activities in the case study were to:
  • Identify a specific community of people (in this case, localized in a specific district of Trento)
  • Test different ways in which they might share memories, both
    • Offline: interviews, events, collection of memories in a photo format
    • Online: providing web tools (Flickr, Facebook,
  • and reported how they used them, and what was most successful
  • Imagine what kind of web services LM could offer to enrich memory archives
So, we chose to investigate the collection of memories, the fostering of a community, and the potential value of LiveMemories to such communities in a geographically limited case study, where the memories refer to a well defined place:
The district of San Bartolomeo


Here's the agenda of the whole day:

10.00 Welcome
Andrea Zanotti (FBK – President)
Paolo Traverso (FBK‐ Centre for Information Technology‐irst – Director)

10.15 LiveMemories Demonstration Day
Bernardo Magnini (FBK‐irst)

10.30 Demonstrator 1: Content Extraction and Content Integration on Newspaper Archives (Case Study on L’Adige and Vita Trentina)
Massimo Poesio (Uni. Trento), Luciano Serafini (FBK‐irst) and Paul Lewis (Uni. Southampton)

11.00 Break

11.30 Demonstrator 2: Semantic Enrichment of Memory Archives (Case Study on
Paolo Massa (FBK‐irst) and Michela Ferron (FBK‐irst)

12.00 Invited Talk: Semantic Search and Different Visualization Models in Media Archives
Waltraud Wiedermann (Austria Press Agentur – CEO), RĂ¼diger Baumberger (Austria Press Agentur – Technical Director)

12.30 Invited Demonstration: Visual Media Analysis for the General Public
Michael Granitzer and Wolfgang Kienreich (Know Centre – Graz)

13.00 Buffet lunch

14.00 Demonstrator 3: Content Presentation (Case Study on Blog Stories)
Fausto Giunchiglia (UniTN)

14.30 Demonstrator 4: Searching, Navigating and Visualizing Digital Memories: Trento's Municipal Assembly case study
Marco Ronchetti (UniTN)

15.00 Conclusion
Paolo Traverso (FBK‐irst – Director)

Special Guests

Luciano Paris (SIE – CEO)
Marta DeMarchi (RTTR – President)

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